Grappy - Greylist daemon in Python

NOTE - Maintainance of this software has been transfered to Kyle Lanclos You can find the new project website at

Many thanks to Kyle for taking over the role as maintainer.

I no longer make active modifications to this software. It is still available for those who want to use it but I personally don't use it any more. When I do greylist development it is now on the Helm greylist server which is available at

This package is a postfix policy daemon which implements grey listing functionality. This is just one of many implementations. More information on the greylisting technique is available at

Features of this implementation are:


You can download Grappy from here.


Please report any bugs you find to Mattias Amnefelt <>

This software is based on greylist-python which has been placed in the public domain by it's author Vsevolod Sipakov <>


I have recieved several contributions to this project and most have been incorporated into the source tree. There are however some which I do not want to make a part of grappy, mostly because I do not think it fits the grappy model.


This project is available trough cvs if you have AFS. The path to the repository is /afs/ and the module is named grappy.

You can also access the repository trough ViewCVS.

$Id: index.html,v 1.4 2010/10/03 08:51:32 mattiasa Exp $